
New at Society 6

I have new Canvas and Framed Art Prints and designs on Society 6. If you haven't checked it out lately it is a great site to find affordable Prints and Home Decor accessories - Bedding, Bath, Curtains and Cushions, Clocks and Rugs. They even have wall murals and furniture all produced from original art and graphic designs!
Trendy or Not!

I love trends of all kinds; trendy clothing and home decor, trendy restaurants, trends in music, trends in colours and trends in Art. It's not necessary to spend a lot of money on trends,. Trends are meant to be fun and temporary both in fashion and home decor. It is always smart to invest in classic design in our furniture and clothing then add in more trendy pieces if that's what you like. Trends change frequently and sometimes you do want to buy a piece of art or furniture to fill a space, that's up to you. Original Fine Art and art prints can...
Art Doesn't Have to Match the Couch